Cultural Comptibility


have worked extensively in the Middle-east for many years and understand the local culture, business practices and corporate governance. We thus present a compatible culture fit to the business partner.

“The beauty of the world lies in the diversity of its people”


Complance And Integrity

Since inception, our technical staff, consultants and field personnel have taken great strides in adapting to changing Quality Assurances and Technological environments. INNOVATION EMIRATES GENERAL CONTRACTING L.L.C keeps abreast with new technologies and ever changing processes and requirements from our customers.

To this end, INNOVATION EMIRATES GENERAL CONTRACTING L.L.C. remains committed to several key business initiatives that underscore our commitment to client satisfaction:
INNOVATION EMIRATES GENERAL CONTRACTING L.L.C. has a compliance program, based on its Code of Integrity and professional Conduct, to ensure that the highest standards of integrity are applied to all its activities in accordance with international best practice. Through an interactive learning program, INNOVATION EMIRATES GENERAL CONTRACTING L.L.C. has also implemented an education/ training tool which helps integrate the general principles contained in the policy into its different businesses. In this program, employees are confronted with issues arising in their day-to-day business activities.
Each employee will be given Integrity training at the time of joining to INNOVATION EMIRATES GENERAL CONTRACTING LLC. The training is conducted regularly by the supervisor/ manager for their respective project team.